Friday, June 6, 2008

Ed’s Letter For Issue 6

What’s in this issue?

Greetings MXiteers, and welcome to Issue 6. Here at MXit we’ve been busy putting together another bumper issue for you, full of news and views you can use. It’s packed with MXit improvements, environmental must-know-facts, science and innovation snippets, gaming and movie stuff, plus 15 tips on how to find your perfect phone.

But would those 15 tips really help find your ideal handset? Why not design your perfect phone? Plot it out, develop the features you’d like to have, write in and tell us. We’ll get a vote going.

Remember, the GT is your forum for topics that touch your lives, and news you want to read. So why not let us know what you’d like to see? Better still, pop us an email, and get your news item or article rated by other MXiteers.

We’ve also included some Funky Phone Facts ( iPhone, LG Secret) and reviewed the Samsung G800. There are two band interviews – with Freshly Ground and Plush. Hear what they have to say for themselves in the Hot Gossip section. To complete the GT picture, there’s some bite-sized information about useful gadgets and ground- breaking technologies; bracelets that will let you answer the phone with a flick of your finger, games you can control with your mind.

Thanks for all your comments about Issue 5 (see what everyone’s been saying in the Tip Box section) and don’t forget to let us know how we’ve done with Issue 6.

In the meantime, here’s a riddle.
What’s the name of the arm-azing’, high-tech armband that’s being developed to make it even easier to work gadgets, phones and computers?
Follow the links to Science and Innovation and find out.

Until next time. Enjoy …and keep up with the evolution!

